Want More Confidence? Be More Disciplined!

Take on a 30-day challenge and see for yourself

Patricia Brooks
4 min readAug 15, 2019


By July of last year, I had accomplished a lot. I’d quit my job. Moved to France. Launched a podcast. And explored several European countries alone. No one could call me a coward. But in some ways, I had gotten comfortable. In particular, I was heavily relying on the written word to connect with my network.

A friend of mine called me out on that. She said that I was being a bit of a wallflower. She then challenged me to do live videos. I have to admit, being called a wallflower surprised me in light of all I’d accomplished; perhaps it was in that surprise that made me more willing to step out of the comfort zone into which I’d unwittingly fallen. She recommended I start making videos to help grow my following and suggested the idea of doing a 30-day Facebook live challenge.

Pushing the Bounds of My Comfort Zone

Having never done a live video to that point, I was a little hesitant. But since I love the challenge of learning and doing something new, I committed on the spot. I began posting Facebook live videos on August 1st, 2018 and did so every day for 31 days. After I got the hang of it, doing the videos was actually fun.

I took on that challenge to prove to myself, and to my friend that I wasn’t playing it small. In the end, I gained more than bragging rights. I learned a lot about myself and about making videos too. I built confidence in my public speaking abilities and continue to grow my following this way. I helped viewers see things differently and move in new directions. And the most significant benefit from this challenge was that it became the inspiration to write Live a Bold Life.

The anniversary of my Facebook live challenge was looming at the end of August 2019, and I felt compelled to set out on another. Having already done a video challenge and feeling that the timing to do a 30-day solo podcast challenge was not quite right, I considered doing a blogging challenge.

Finding the Strength to Tackle a New Challenge

I thought about it a lot. On July 28th, and on the 29th, and again on the 30th. And I resisted each day. I mulled over the idea on August 31st too but still didn’t commit to doing it. I felt like I didn’t have time to add writing a polished article every single day to my already full plate. I was working with several coaching clients, recording the audio version of my book, producing weekly podcast episodes, marketing my Pen to Power program, and doing all the other things I must accomplish as a solopreneur; I couldn’t seem to justify adding another very time-consuming item to my days.

On the morning of August 1st, I awoke knowing that I had to take on this blogging challenge. And while I did not announce it publicly then, I had committed to myself to post one article a day for, at least, the next month on Medium.com.

So what pushed me over the edge? Two things: first, because of my experience from last year’s challenge, I recognize the benefits of taking on a project that feels hard and that stretches me. Second, Russell Brunson said that if you publish content (blogs, videos, or podcasts) consistently for a year, it will change your business drastically because you will find your voice and your tribe. If he was suggesting a year-long challenge, I figured, at least, I could manage a 30-day one.

Today is day 15 of my challenge. It feels good to commit to doing something and follow through on that commitment. I’ve already learned a lot, and I’ve improved my writing and my process. Additionally, this challenge is strengthening my faith in my self and in my abilities.

Commit, Follow Through, and Build Self-Confidence

“Building Self-confidence” is one of the three catalysts for developing courage, which I write about in detail in my book, Growing Bold. The other two are “Setting a Meaningful Goal” and “Shifting Your Perspective.” When you prove to yourself that you can accomplish something new, you feel more confident. When you feel more capable, you try new things. In this way, you step out of your comfort zone and become more willing to try new, different, and challenging things. In this way, you grow bold.

In what areas of your life could you use a boost of consistency and self- confidence? Consider doing a 30-day challenge in that area to develop an empowering and truly liberating belief in yourself.



Patricia Brooks

Bold, fledgling entrepreneur, author, podcast host Discovering Courage, Finding Freedom, Living in France! Adventures.Insights. Stories. thecouragecatalyst.com